Tag: Public Option

  • What’s the DANG Message?

    John Stewart nails it…as usual The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

  • Death Paneling

    I know this whole “death panel” thing has been going on for weeks now, but I’ve gotten to the point where I want to slap someone every time I hear them talk about Government pulling the plug on granny because she’s too expensive. Ugh. We already have death panels, they’re called INSURANCE COMPANIES. As The…

  • Healthcare and The Land of the Disintegrating Talking Point

    Is it just me, or are conservative TV talking heads and Blue Dogs the only people who are sticking to the talking points set up to kill Healthcare reform? It seems like it. Hell, even Republicans are having a hard time staying on point. Case in point, tin foil hatter and Minnesota Representative, Michelle Bachman…

  • The Ghost of Nominees Past

    Affordable, portable healthcare has been an issue in American politics since long before the 1990’s. Unfortunately, little, if anything has been done in that time to ensure that Americans have access to insurance coverage, despite a great deal of support for reform. Today NBC News and The Wall Street Journal published a poll stating that…

  • This Trigger’s Already Been Pulled

    About two weeks ago I wrote about the public option. Around the time I was writing that, I started seeing some discussion of putting a “trigger” into any legislation that included a “public option”. I could go off and spend a lot of time trying to explain what a “trigger”, but I’ll let Igor Volsky…

  • Healthcare: What is the “Public Option”?

    Way back in March, when Speaker Nancy Pelosi pledged to pass some kind of healthcare reform by July 31, people probably thought she was crazy. Now, two and a half months later, with little public information regarding the progress, it seems impossible. Up ‘til now, the only real public hearings about Healthcare Reform in the…