Tag: Memphis

  • Where's the Love?

    Yesterday I sent out a call to Memphis Democrats to go join the new TNDP site. Several people signed up, but Memphis is still SORELY underrepresented. Here are the stats: TNDP Total – 382 members Nashville – 72 members (18.8%) Knoxville – 56 members (14.6%) Chattanooga – 14 members (3.6%) Memphis – 14 members (3.6%)…

  • Ninety-One Thousand Dollars

    Over at the CA Marc Perrusquia’s been doing some digging. You’ll have to go read the article yourself for all the gory details, but here’s the gist, from the article’s timeline: April 9, 2002: Greyhound CEO Craig Lentzsch tells Mayor Willie Herenton in a letter that his proposal to move the bus firm’s Downtown Memphis…

  • To Protect and Serve, But Not Necessarily Reside

    God love Twitter, I got this update in my feed this morning. The debate continues over whether Memphis Police Officers should be allowed to live 20 miles outside Shelby County. The Memphis City Council is divided over the matter, but is holding a meeting Tuesday, November 18, 2008, to vote on a resolution. I don’t…

  • Is Memphis Ready For Another Indictment?

    I’m not saying it will happen, or that anyone’s guilty, or anything like that. To be sure, I don’t know enough of the facts surrounding the Mayor’s personal and professional doings to speak intelligently on the matter. I am pretty sure that Memphis isn’t ready for another indictment. The Feds here in Memphis have a…

  • The Only Poll That Matters

    On Wednesday, early voting in Shelby County will begin. The dates, times, and locations of early voting can be found here. This election will be history making, but despite all the hoopla surrounding the Presidential election there are several races and questions here in Shelby County that every voter needs to record their decision on.…