Tag: disclosure

  • Analyzing Provisional Ballots from November

    Analyzing Provisional Ballots from November

    Provisional Ballots from the November 2018 election have been counted in Shelby County. So how did these voter vote, and how did it impact the results?

  • U of M College Democrats address Gov. Haslam leadership crisis

    The following is an editorial penned by the University of Memphis College Democrats. It is published here in its entirety. — BATTLING BILL’S BOONDOGGLE(S) Tennesseans face a leadership crisis due to the self-serving mismanagement of our state by Governor Bill Haslam. So far, during his more than three years in office, Governor Haslam has abused…

  • Is Haslam running government like a business?

    Back in 2010, when Gov. Haslam used millions of his personal wealth to win both the GOP primary and eventually the general election, a constant theme was that he would “run government like a business”. Now, anyone with half a brain in their head should have looked at this promise pretty skeptically. Its just like…