Tag: Berlin Boyd

  • An Open Letter to My City Councilman

    An Open Letter to My City Councilman

    Memphis City Councilman Worth Morgan wrote an open letter to his colleagues in the wake of their walkout. I have my own letter for the young Councilman.

  • Parks, Progress, & Politics

    I’ve been struggling to organize my thoughts since last week’s last week’s hasty action by the Memphis City Council regarding zoo parking. But I don’t want to get into the specifics of the issue. I think others have captured what’s going on there better, and with more detail than I could. The events of last…

  • Profiles in Cowardice

    Backing off his support of the CLERB isn’t the first time the Mayor lost his backbone at the last second Monday, the Memphis City Council met with key stakeholders to finalize a draft ordinance that would give additional oversight of the Memphis Police Department. The Citizen Law Enforcement Review Board, an entity that has existed…